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work-life balance

Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance is all about finding a way to successfully juggle the demands placed on busy professionals or small business owners at work and at home to find a rhythm or routine that works for them. Are You Fighting Fires? When you are in an unbalanced state, you feel like you are immersed in a constant battle between work and … Read more

Basic Accounting Principles

Whether you intend to do your bookkeeping or plan to pay someone else to do it for you, gaining an understanding of the basic accounting principles will help you to understand your bookkeeping reports. Why are basic accounting principles important? One of the purposes of accounting information is to enable us to compare and contrast the performance of a business … Read more

excel consulting

Basic Bookkeeping

If you are running a small business as a sole trader or a family partnership, keeping track of your business records (i.e. basic bookkeeping) is going to be important, not just for you but also for the ATO. Basic bookkeeping done correctly can provide you with important information about how your business is operating and enable you to make informed … Read more

small business operating expenses

Small Business Operating Expenses

Gaining a good understanding of your small business operating expenses is critical. Especially when you are evaluating past performance, making decisions about future activities or developing a business plan. You will need to know what your operating costs are likely to be so that you can calculate Identifying your Business Operating Expenses Your operating expenses will be reported in your Income … Read more

cash flow

Cash Flow Statement

Even if you do the bare minimum regarding financial reporting, Cash Flow Statements can be critical. Cash flow is vitally important whether you are in the start-up phase or have been operating for a while. Your business may be making a decent profit (on paper) but if you do not have enough cash coming in to pay the bills, you … Read more

debits and credits

Debits and Credits: Double Entry Bookkeeping

Debits and credits are at the core of double-entry bookkeeping or accrual accounting,and reporting the financial performance of an entity via the financial statements. Why We Need Debits and Credits In double-entry bookkeeping, each transaction is recorded using both a debit and a credit. To illustrate, let’s assume that a purchase was made for office supplies at $45.00. The transaction … Read more

what is an income statement

What are Income Statements?

What are Income Statements? They are one of the critical financial statements that you will need to develop for your business. An Income Statement is a historical document that provides information about the business performance in a prior period. A proforma Income Statement is a planning tool used to estimate future performance. What is an Income Statement? The Income Statement … Read more